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About Pilates

What is Pilates?

Pilates is both a mind and body conditioning method which teaches you how to have greater control and awareness of your posture and the way your body moves. It targets your deep stabilising muscles and focuses on good body alignment and breathing patterns. It is a great way to compliment sports training, promote recovery from an injury as well as developing body awareness and functional fitness for your everyday life. It is particularly recommended for those with back, neck and general joint problems.

What are the potential benefits?

  • Perfects your posture and enhances joint mobility

  • Strengthens your core stabilising muscles and improves muscle tone

  • Improves body awareness, coordination and balance

  • Provides greater resistance to injuries by working your deep intrinsic muscles

  • Develops strength and mobility following an injury

  • Encourages relaxation by releasing stress and tension

  • Promotes overall health, fitness and mental wellbeing


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